Improv Theatre Company (ITC) is a Sydney Australia based improvised performance training company, a school for advanced theatrical improvisors.
We were the first company in Australia to perform and teach Chicago style improv, and have advised, consulted or worked with most of the others. We specialise in custom workshops and courses for long form improvisors, particularly the more actor relevant Chicago style.
Viola Spolin spoke about improvisation taught as rules and a bag of tricks or skills, as a not particularly good way to learn how to improvise. We work with our students on the core skills of spontaneity, being present and discovering the truth of a scene in the moment. It’s how the great improvisors work, and what great teachers teach. Everything else you learn as an improvisor stems from this basic grounding. It is improv ground zero.
“Techniques are not mechanical devices-a neat little bag of tricks, each neatly labeled, to be pulled out by the actor when necessary. Growth of both individual and form suffer thereby, for [..] such rigidity in teaching, because it neglects inner development, is invariably reflected in [..] performance.” – Viola Spolin
We also focus on fixing, removing and correcting long form techniques that are very often incorrectly taught as a mishmash of different styles or as add ons to other styles. We clarify your style and de-clutter your improv toolkit.
If you’re a teacher of improvisation wanting to visit Australia, then let us know!
We get long form improvisation, it’s in our DNA.
If you’re interested in more regular or introductory classes, then you should check in with our friends at Academy of Improvisation instead.
Note that there are now several other companies in Sydney with similar sounding names to us. They teach different philosophies and styles. Always check the name of the company, what they teach, and what you wish to get out of it, before you commit to anything.